If you haven't read this week's reading assignments, you should do so by Tuesday of next week. On Tuesday, we will be discussing Chapter 1 of Timothy Corrigan and Patricia White's
The Film Experience: An Introduction (FE, from now on) and Jon Lewis's essay, "Those Who Disagree Can Kiss Jack Valenti's Ass."
As you read both texts, try to keep track of some of the key terms from the chapters. Corrigan and White are especially valuable in introducing the effects of distribution, advertising, and publicity in shaping our interpretation of a film. One of the concepts to consider while you read: Think about films that you have seen recently (or plan to see). How was that film promoted? How did you become aware of it? What information did you get from the trailers? How was the film publicized in magazines? On television? When you're ready, respond to some of these questions (or to previous comments) in the comments section below.
Responding in the comments is considered to be a component of your class participation. Comments can be relatively brief (100 words or so), and you should plan to comment approximately once a week.