Course Evaluations
I forgot to mention that course evaluations are now available online. Go to the following URL to fill out evaluations:
I forgot to mention that course evaluations are now available online. Go to the following URL to fill out evaluations:
Here are the terms from teh student presentations. Keep in mind that this list is not exhaustive, and terms may come from the textbook or from my lectures.
This might be too little too late, but The Eyedrum is showing The Last Angel of History, an important new film about "the hitherto unexplored relationships between Pan-African culture, science fiction, intergalactic travel, and rapidly progressing computer technology."
Here are some very helpful lecture notes from another instructor on Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing. You might scan through them to have another perspective on Lee's craftsmanship in this film.
This week's film is Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing. In addition to the film, I'll inlcude one reading on electronic reserve, but I'd also like you to take a look at this poem by Ai, "Riot Act, April 29, 1992," which speaks to some of the issues in Lee's film.
Those students writing on Errol Morris might be interested in this interview (PDF file) from Cineaste.
Have been having Blogger issues, but here's a chance to comment on Blade Runner.
Did anyone see Spiderman 2? Fahrenheit 9/11? Any other movies? Leave comments and tell us what you thought.
Here's a New York Times article on documentary (or nonfiction) film featuring an interview with Errol Morris.